Finn mac Cumhaill

...and they still don’t have the good sense to miss tamron...

I read the teacher’s comment to his entry. The comment is vague and offers no insight. As an educator, if the entry were not about the assignment, I would have said something like, “I understand how Columbus Day celebrates a lie and we can discuss it later, but the journal entry was on ...” to allow King a better idea

And that is part of the breakdown in education. Just because he is 9 does not mean he is automatically supposed to sit there and say nothing. He has opinions, and in this journal they seemed pretty well developed, and the teacher should be willing to listen. That is essential pedagogy.

Exactly. I’m not sure why that Genovese wanker gets credit for discovering the Americas when he never made it to the mainland, had no idea where he was, and was a gigantic douche-canoe to the people already living in the land he “discovered.” I mean, sure, Euro-centric history, but even so, why not credit the Vikings

I don’t know how to do gifs and emojis. But I’ll just type blank face and leave

*blank face*

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Teacher: “King, I am very disappointed in your journal today.”

Also, Odin isn’t Loki’s stepfather... adopted father, yes.

wait there is still more dust on it. it actually says, “How To Cook For Forty Humans.” 

As a parent of children right now, I sorely miss The Good Old Days of Sesame Street (read as: “before it became the all-Elmo-all-the-time show with which to pacify infants”).

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.