Finn mac Cumhaill

I’m here to be a pedant: “gank” means to steal. you can’t steal images from Google.

Prince wasn’t a pop artist, and he was 100% a king.

It’s jokes.

Jesus, that house is ugly.


The Red Letter Christians have it as close to right as anyone these days imo.

I’m a radical leftist homosexual who has had an abortion. I still go and receive communion from time to time, because I still love Jesus (and he loves my gay ass!), and still find the sacrament of the Eucharist very beautiful. Meghan McCain can suck a butt.

My wife and I regularly do this and it’s awesome. And we are not like type A go-getter people. It’s just something that’s built in for us. Melero is big time overstating what a time and energy commitment it is, lol.

Please, God!

I grew up around a lot of 5%ers and I am SCREAMING at the “quote” from Kwambita. Far too accurate.

You can’t separate it, though. A black queer person isn’t dealing with homophobia separate from racism. That is exactly what intersectionality is about. The homophobic and transphobic society you refer to is also a white supremacist society. Those things aren’t discrete, and they affect queer people of color in very

“Are we pissed that the director of 1917 didn’t go to war? Are we pissed that Barry Jenkins isn’t gay? You can’t be divisional and intersectional.” 

I’ve got a bad hip that hurts like hell when I sit too long. I take the first opportunity to stand in order to relieve the pain.

gummy crum

I am for real so tired of hearing that “this is only going to make it harder for REAL victims!” It’s fucking gross, and revealing as fuck.

“All I need is for folks in general to stop claiming the outcome of this case will determine whether or not people will be able to believe what Black Queer folks tell them more often. If they literally need one instance of a person even possibly falsifying a story about a hate crime to determine whether or not they

Ohhh, I see. You’re a pure troll. I wish you fulfillment.

Sock puppet.

People can see you through this sock puppet you’re wearing, blacklove.

People can see you through this sock puppet you’re wearing, fyi.