finn373 is the saddest

For those who asked, my reviews can now be found on my own website, . Hope to see you there! It is bare bones right now, but I would love to build up a good community and include other beauty topics besides subscription boxes.

I am beyond pissed that this is going away and I think, as a long time silent reader, and a sometimes commenter, that this some bullshit.

To 1):

They got rid of Defamer?!

OMFG-Sarah wherever you are I apologize sincerely for spelling your last name wrong-I accidentally spelled it like those idiots on TV who spend 30 minutes screaming at each other every Friday night: The McGlaughlin Group-ugh!-instead of the correct McLachlan! Please forgive me, a true fan who took her 6 year old

Also, this was the only place where I was ungreyed.

I felt the same - I’ve always been too nervous to comment on Jez main. I did once, like three years ago, and I felt anxious for days afterwards at how nasty some people got at my expression of a rather tame and polite dissent. Milihelen felt like the lovely community of women who lifted each other up instead of

Hi Jane,

Dude it’s Sarah McLaughlin! My mom listened to this CD when she was oh so sick, and when it was over she passed away. July 17 2015. And now Millihelen is gone too. Fuck!!

This is disappointing and sad on so many levels, and I am really annoyed that the sub-sites I spent most of my time on here are the ones that have been axed. You have done a great job, and I love that the site has been so inclusive and not focused only on the young/white/beautiful/thin audience that so many beauty

But from what I’ve read they planning on launching a new beauty and self-care site or whatever. Which I don’t understand, because it will still be Jez affiliated, from what I understand, so why not just stick with this one?

This was my absolute favorite part of Jezebel. You were a kind and considerate poster and took the time to comment back to us. I appreciated every interaction we had and every interaction I saw you have with others. You fostered a massive addiction to beauty boxes in me and I cannot quit it. I am beyond pissed that

To Millihelen: Thank you for being awesome. Thank you for being the only blog other than Lifehacker that ungreyed me. Thank you for having the best, most lovely and supportive commenters. And last, but definitely not least, thank you for introducing me to the weird snail stuff.

Goddammit. This is the cherry on the shit sundae that has been this week. I loved this blog, and got so many awesome beauty product recs (shout out to the commenter who brought this to my attention... It’s fucking gold. I wish I could remember who suggested it so I could give proper thanks) and probably spent too much

Just put The Toast on my feedly. I will follow your snarky beautiful ass every where, Jane Marie. (Im outside your window rn - please throw down a bottled water or two so I don’t dehydrate.)

ugh I also love Milihelen (BEAUTY BOX REVIEWWWWSSSS) and am very sad to see it go

That’s the other thing, as I morph from sad to mad. Gawker already has a well-documented woman problem. Nuking a site that attracts a female readership just for being small is just one more affront. <shakes tiny fist>

This has been my favorite place on the internet. I am really sorry to see it go. And for the record, I think Gawker Media is making a huge mistake here (lots of mistakes on their part this week, actually).

Ugh, I’m going to miss Millihelen so much! The history of makeup series, mall makeovers and product diaries were some of my very favorite beauty reads and I waste A LOT of work time reading about makeup. Also, this was the only place where I was ungreyed. But I look forward to following at The Toast, which I just

I am really sorry. I loved millihelen, and was in the process of crafting a piece for it, about what it’s like to be over 50 discovering makeup (mostly fun but a little strange, sort of like discovering makeup at any other age). I specifically liked that your target audience wasn’t the usual “beauty tips and