Finnish Fury

Assimilation is bullshit. I’m raising my kids in America but I teach them to think of themselves as Finns first, Americans second. They know they are different and superior to their non-Finnish classmates.

I emigrated to the United States because I was so angered by the Finnish government’s refusal to secure Finland’s border with Sweden. Shiftless Swedes roam freely in Finland, stumbling drunk and urinating in public places, and you get called a racist if you complain.

You’re saying Finland is authoritarian and ruled by a mob?

America has a disease, and Nick Sandmann is just a symptom.

Such a low-effort tweet from the Finnish embassy. I expect better.

Kamala” means “horrible” in Finnish. This will cost her votes in the Finnish-American community.  Maybe that’s unfair, but that’s life.

The 1st Amendment is an abomination.

Finnish-Americans know America’s food is disgusting and unhealthy, but I’ll eat a wheelbarrow of cheeseburgers before I eat Russian food. We fought a war to keep Stalin out of Finland and we’ll never put Russian food in our bodies.

Why can’t Afghanistan be a state?

My children can’t learn Finnish in L.A. public schools and it makes me angry! It’s a denial of my Finnish heritage!