Finnish Fury

This is why Finland tries to keep Swedish ships out of Finnish harbors.

Finland shares a border with Sweden, so Finns know you can’t let just anybody sail your harbors. Swedes are notoriously inept seamen. They drink heavily and lack basic navigational skills. They are a deadly safety hazard.

Jim Clyburn is South Carolina politics

Pick your battles. Late-term abortion is a loser. It must be sacrificed to save the remainder of abortion rights. Finnish moderates figured that out decades ago. That’s why they consented to a ban on abortions 20 weeks after conception.

Late-term abortions are less than 1.5% of the total but they’re the ones that drive rage in pro-lifers.

My grandparents live near the Finland/Sweden border and they’re nervous about opening the door if they think a Swede might be there. They’ll ask one of the grandkids to open it for them. When there are no young people in the house they just don’t open the door. They’re afraid.

Farewell, Splinter!

The Swedes have no business lecturing anyone until they quit spreading pollution across the Finnish border. They can wallow in filth on their side of the border, but they must leave Finland alone.

No. The cat tweets are the most dangerous. They lull you. They beguile you. That’s how the Russians seed the ground for their propaganda. I fear those cats more than any Russian destroyer.

Here is a trophy for a real sport that is not full of weirdos, and it belongs to Finland!

Open borders with Sweden is a terrible idea. Build a wall, and promptly deport all Swedes who sneak in.

Åland is the worst manifestation of the border problem. It is actually inside Finland, growing like a cancerous tumor. I wish we had a healthcare system that could remove or irradiate it.

Republican criticisms of Finland are always stupid and they make me very angry. Finnish healthcare is just fine. Finland’s real problem is lack of a border wall with Sweden.

“The charge: littering.”

My kids salute the flag.  That’s not optional in my household.

The 1st Amendment is not a suicide pact. 

Who will defend Finland from Russia’s intermediate nuclear weapons? Arms reductions treaties are fool’s gold since Russia cannot be trusted to abide by its treaties. Russians understand only force and the credible threat of force.

Anyone who says they have Finnish DNA better be able to prove it.

AOC doesn’t give a shit about Finland. I will support any Finnish-American primary challenger to her, or even a non-Finnish candidate who cares about my favorite issue: Finland.

So states have money to teach kids this bible bullshit, but not money for Finnish language education?  Fuck that.