
If being "hot" was your job, and only requirement in life, and you had unlimited time, money, and resources, you would be.

Exactly. When it comes to the AM stuff, he clearly was looking for pretty normal exploration (in a really shitty way). He’s only “addicted” in the way that any adult human with an average sex drive desires sex, I’m willing to bet.

I think he could want to be married though. But, when you grow up in an emotionally abusive household and told EVERYTHING you think, desire, and feel are wrong, don’t know how to express yourself or go about getting what you need. How could you when everything is considered bad and sinful. You can’t even

As much as I can’t stand this guy, he doesn’t need “treatment”. This is what happens sometimes when your family expects you to fulfill a role that is perhaps not what you want for your life. This guy ISN’T about family values, being married etc. And that’s fine. But the pressure of his family and church’s expectations

“Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.”

you are completely insane and have no idea how the world works. I kind of feel sorry that you live in such a bubble that you think it is even possible to ban all guns, let alone a smart decision.

Yes make guns illegal. Then the criminals who keep their guns can kill all of us law abiding citizens. Great plan!

1.) Sure, let’s do that. Do we then send Police door-to-door to confiscate all the millions of guns out there?

I fully agree! As soon you add every single other item thats ever been used as a weapon to the list. You know, everything ever made. Automatic life for drunk driving. Automatic life for any drug and driving. Life for negligence and driving. Also, permits, training, and background checks for buying a car or booze. Bet

So a Gun was the ONLY way this guy would have killed these two people and wounded another?

Ban all guns. Sure. That’ll stop crime & murder. Good job, good effort.

Yes bans! Because banning recreational drugs was effective, because banning alcohol was effective, because banning abortion was effective, because outlawing rape was effective, because outlawing murder was effective. Now we don't have those problems.

If that works, then we should make drugs illegal, make murder illegal, make robery illegal... oh that’s right, you just want to disarm law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.

So since the 1st and 5th amendments were also written by slave owners, shall we dispense with them as well?

Banning future gun sales doesn’t automatically take out the millions already in circulation. And firearms have a disturbingly long lifespan. I’ve seen people shoot old ball-and-cap revolvers from the 1800s, 1911 pistols from World War I and so on. And of course, there are boatloads of stories about the durability of

After the success we had doing this with alcohol and drugs, I support this wholeheartedly.

Not everyone lives in a city with unlimited resources. I don't deny gun control needs ramped up. But for people living in rural communities like myself, having a gun is almost essential

That argument always makes me cringe. Who would enforce the ban? And once in place, who would actually abide by the new law? I bet people who pose no danger and are law abiding citizens would turn in their guns, but would gang members, drug dealers, criminals, mentally disturbed and anti-authoritarian individuals be

Mandatory minimums have worked so well in the war on drugs. Even if your cockamamie plan were to come to fruition (and it won't), that you'd use a tool widely regarded as targeting minorities and seen as a bad idea is curious.

How about YOU sign up to be the guy who goes door-to-door, demanding Americans give up the guns in their possession?