
I have to disagree, respectfully. For example, when motives are things like extreme politicial or religious beliefs, I think its important to expose exactly what that type of mentality reaps. Out of the horror of the shooting in Charleston, a much-needed conversation happened about “Southern pride” and ”heritage.”

I think you’re really sympathetic.

I feel like this is not a productive discussion because every time someone says “that’s not what trigger warnings are about” someone else can point to case where that is how trigger warnings are being used. So for instance I think it’s perfectly reasonable to warn about violence and rape, but I think the bar for

I think you were very careful in your usage. I just wanted to say that it was used that way in my class this summer. It was quite annoying and you know what? IT WORKED! The entire structure of the class was scrapped after a few “that’s triggering” complaints were leveled on some films that didn’t even show violence.

I don’t know. Maybe these fragile darlings are so offended and harmed by anything outside of their wheel houses that they need TWs. Should be funny to see them trying to function in the larger world.

“Except trigger warnings aren’t necessarily about getting out of assignments and completely disengaging from ideas you don’t agree with.”

Yeah, as the person who actually has to deal with people’s trigger warnings, for every legitimate talk a student had has with me about concerns, you get at least 2 who are like “I cant read about death, it’s too triggering” to get out of reading, like, Frankenstein. I know that people’s hearts are in a good place when

I remember the book, which was really good, and do clearly recall the scene where the author discuss masturbating in a seat and grinding down and then a scene that depicted her going down on her girlfriend. I you saw breasts and two shots with her head in her gf’s crotch, no genitals.

At the Halloween Pride parades in Los Angeles, you have guys dressing as Cher, Joan Crawford and other famous female celebrities. Why is this any different? I do think the “unisex” label is the most offensive part.

The white bustier is an iconic (possibly THE) outfit of the year. Not shocking that there would be Halloween versions.

Caitlyn is capitalizing off her story lets be real where was the support for trans lives before bruce was caitlyn. You dont have to be trans to be supportive.

I wasn’t suggesting the person scarred shouldn’t be proud and comfortable. I was trying to point out that MOST people wouldn’t be celebrating that person as beautiful or offering her modeling gigs. They would immediately see it for what it is, an unfortunate consequence of a bad past event, which isn’t the case with

Totally agree, and I read that she has a personal trainer ! She’s a badass in any case. I know fat people can be healthy and I’m pretty sure she’s healthy right now. I may have been speculating too much. I’m more concerned about the ED, etc.

Those statements could have been worded better, true. Although you could educate me in an effective way instead of being a dick about it. I’m fine with body positivity, but I’ll cop to not being accepting of all types of fat. To me, her fat is a visible trace of abuse that she spun into a positive. That works for some

I never said people who get therapy are supposed to get thin... You’re twisting the argument. I know that people with eating disorders deal with it their whole life. What I’m criticizing is that as far as I know, she’s NOT dealing with it, just accepting it as par for the course.
And you’re right, I don’t know exactly

I love Tess Holiday, I think she’s gorgeous no matter what size, and as long as she’s physically healthy that’s all that matters. That said...

I bet she will get off of the charges. Because she is rich and white and ect. :/ I'm just glad it's going to a criminal court and just not being pursued as a monetary thing.

Marriage fetishism is one of the best examples of the worst aspects of American culture.

I appreciate both the over-the-top photo snark and the reasonable engagement ring.

It’s like, if Oprah says it’s a powerful movie, and we know how she feels about how women are depicted in film and entertainment and things like that — I feel like you’re digging. We should be focusing on how the police are treating innocent American citizens. What about that?