Tumblr also has a very big shopifting culture, meth smoking culture, and they draw cute cartoons of nude children and serial killers. Tumblr is also toxic wateland of thought policing, otherkin, and fake gender snowflake genders.
Tumblr also has a very big shopifting culture, meth smoking culture, and they draw cute cartoons of nude children and serial killers. Tumblr is also toxic wateland of thought policing, otherkin, and fake gender snowflake genders.
So much Kardashian hate here. Maybe Khloe should just kill someone so that she can become popular like her former stepfather.
Anaconda was a horrible song. She shouldnt be surprised that it got no nominations.
The rapist hung himself.
You kniw they wouldnt. Jenner is getting a free pass for being a deadbeat dad to his first set of kids, for geting caught trying on his daughters clothes, and nowkilling someone because he texted and drove.
Yeah, Thats whats infuriating about this. Not like a person was killed or anything.
When white rednecks do it, its called harrasment. When a Hispanic trans woman does it, they’re being a hero and peacefully.
She isnt a hero. She just literally saved the maintanence man work for the next day.
Some of the people listed arent anti vacination by your own article. wtf?
This stuff isnt real. Are you crazy?
I’m a lesbian female and I dont give too shits about people being attracted to this actor. Grow up! This stuff is not important.
The note was probably written by the owner of the garden.
Sometimes its a pitbull who mauls a child in the fanily.
He cured his nephews stutter. What a dick.
She also mentioned in her book that a cold glass of ice water basically materialized inside of her tent. Also when they rescued her, she was extremly well groomed and wearing crisp white robs.
I agree. Every time that I try and bring up the obvious lies about the whole thing, I get shouted down.
You smarmy bastard. Calling all religious people untrustworthy makes you look like a tool.
I would not call her an advocate of Mormonism at all. I am an Atheist and consider Mormonism to be pretty crazy, but she directly goes against church doctrine publicly. She’s against abstinence only education for corns sake! She’s against the church teaching people that virgins are dirty or unpure as well.
When are they going to start arresting women for putting their bags on the seats next to them.
Dunham also masturbating with her little sister in the bed when she was 17. It’s gross, she’s gross, and Josh Duggar is gross.