The Gawker sites out gay men regularly.
The Gawker sites out gay men regularly.
You’ll be massacred heren for that opinion lol
You’re triggered by drug and alcohol abuse? You shouls see a therapist and not expect trigger warnings just for you.
If she had been black, an article in this tone would have never been written. Jezebel would be kissing her ass.
Because they are no countries where all women are forced to be nuns. they are also no countries where women will get beaten for not being a nun in public.
It’s because sjw’s believe that women cant be sexist/misandrist against men because they have no power over men. Just as they feel that black people cant be racist against whites, or how cis people people are always more evil and more privileged than trans people regardless of their backgrounds and lifestyles.
If a man had said something like this to an actress, and she responded in this way, how would you feel?
Dont use penis as an insult.
This article is very mean. Why go out of your way to dismis the problems of cis males?
I'd like to see a source please.
Are we supposed to be outraged by this?
I doubt that he will be sued or arrested. It would be better for Wu to drop this and save some dignity. The Reuben Baron interview was a big enough fuck up.
Don't threaten soneone with violence. It's not okay when anyone does it.
All restrooms, and locker rooms should be mixed anyway. There is no need to separate the genders at all.
Of course they do. Why wouldnt they?
Wait, wasn't he against a biological male lying about it to make himself a ringer and fight bio women? Because that is reasonable.
I didnt like how she had a make over she where she berated females for not being feminine enough, how she supported a trans teen who assaulted multiple females, and how Jezebel posted an article about how Laverne Cox could better explain the female biological system, than actual females.
How long until this gets deleted?
I experience the same thing! I would would do anything to have an orgasm!