
They allow females. Trans men are females.

It is really stupid.

I completely agree with you.

It seems as though that two are very similar and even overlap. Your personal feelings on the subject dont make for compelling arguments against this.

Do you have a vagina?

To be fair, abortion means less children to pick from.

it should be covered.

What if the person has body dismorphic disorder?

I think that all elective surgeries should be covered.

Dont blame mental illness for your assholishness.

Crack whores and crackheads in general hould probably get vasectomies, and have their tubes tied. In fact, I believe that the government should provide addicts and the mentally ill, these healthcare services for free.

You're a male who doesnt believe in rape culture, and you believe that feminists need to validate you injorder for their own lived experiences to mean anything.

She's actually a trans woman and not a female. That gives you a little more insight into "her" "lived experiences", and obvious misogyny.

I think that its both. I find it very interesting that this type of crime is almost always commited by males cis or otherwise.

She also censors criticism of her work and trans theory.

Do you mean females ctossing because you're a strange male? Because that isnt caused by transphobia

Intact males should not be allowed to use womens facilities. If we're so worried about trans womens safety, why arent we worried about females?

Most of the lesbian females that I know, do not want to date people who have penises.

Was it gender based discrimination, or sex based?

I dont see the point of keeping out trans men if they have vaginas. Most lesbians are into vaginas.