
Most lesbians do not want to have sex with preop trans women. Not necessariluy disgusted but still.

Wait, so they still have to figure out if some of the lesbians have penises? Super.

Because he's in such a position of power.

Intact males should not be using womens facilities. Also, Laverne Cox has a very misogynistic show that belittles females called Transform

You equate being a fan of young adult fiction with fucking drunk teens? Seriously? That's like comparing Bronies to actual horse fuckers.

How is that creepy? Did you say no attached people, in your ad?

Yes, it was probably a trans woman.

I've been shamed online and irl for being a lesbian female who is not attracted or interested in trans women.

I've had that happen with cis men, and trans women. Its usually really scary.

Also, thank you mods for deleting my posts again. It feels great when you remove my stories of being sexually harassed.

Thats actually really common, they just dont talk about it.

I've been harnessed and threatened with bodily harm in public by cis men and trans women for turning them down. They usually call me fat, ugly, close minded, or transphobic, after the threats.

Because people dont follow that. If you can yourself as being a lesbian, but people with penises will call themselves whatever, in order to try and talk to you.

I've been cursed out in public by cis males and trans women, multiple times for turning them down.

So many males believe that if their gender identity is woman, than a lesbian female should be okay with touching their penises.

They're also considered transphobic if they do not want to date someone who has a penis.

A lot of males of every gender believe that females should practice compulsory heterosexuality and be happy about it. It saddens me.

So you're a pacifist until you get angry? I'm not surprised by that at all.

You would literally take out all of his teeth? What a pacifist.

Whats wrong with the word "deaf"?