Um, yes they do. Bug chasers also exist.
Um, yes they do. Bug chasers also exist.
Why is it mostly males that do this?
What is that book about, and is it worth reading?
Why is it okay to say that you wont fuck straight girls if its not okay for lesbians to say that they wont fuck people who have penises?
But she hit on her in lewd ways before the transition. Why do you find that to be unlikely?
That doesnt excuse the behaviors.
I have a question for the trans women o this site. During sexual activity, do you involve your penis at all? From vaginal intercourse, oral sex, hand jobs, or frottage?
But the people who typically want to touch penises are not cis lesbians.
Their right to consider themselves lesbians is just as valid as a trans mans right to feel like a man. Also when you say that trans men do often have penises. How often?
Well, straight women are much more likely to be okay with dealing with penises. So this type of bias against straight women must make it much harder for you to date.
Why cant mras actually talk about these issues instead of spending their time calling woman whores, feminazis, and harassing rape victims?
I consider being overly sex positive a trait of being a "fum femme"
Holy shit!
Because its funny
Name the problem. Preach it,sister.
I prefer saying, assaulted by males.
Maybe the cleft palate will make it harder for her to latch onto a toddlers throat.
How do you feel about banning alcohol from public completely
Was this character supposed to be trans or a gay male, crossdresser?
We certainly cast white actors as Indian, or any type of brown person as Native American, and straight people as gay, and gay as straight, and teenagers as adults, and neuro typicals as mentally or physically challenged.