Dude has a penis, yo.
Dude has a penis, yo.
Its funny how she criticizes Jared Leto getting an award for just "doing his job" when she was clearly hired to be a token trans writer. Hey Jezebel how about some more females of color and disabled female writers, instead of trans hacks?
Because she deletes posts that expose her lies. Not just abuse.
I'd love to hear Kat's thoughts on that film.
So how many comments are you planning on removing?
Yes we do. But we dont make rape threats while doing so, like your mra figure heads, "Janet".
Instant addiction? You sound ridiculous.
I disagree completely. I've seen the way that she treats females on her Transform show, and its deplorable and misogynistic.
From pirating media to blackout rage killing a homeless man....and this reaction is due to the simple question of whether you purchase un-prescribed narcotics online? May I suggest you purchase a few under the medication listing for anti-psychotics?
So edgy
Sorry that she doesnt give you an erection.
I have a mustache and I'm all female.
If a child tried to injure me, I would definitely retaliate
Post it!
Sigh. Its a lonely existence to be a female with a foot fetish.
I know right?
So edgy
Not owning a ps3 isnt living animalistic existence.
I love these and will buy them. How often do we see creepy underwear?