
Women aren’t turned on by looks? Pfffffffft hahahahaha.

Then you have a conversation about it like a damn adult. Why did they lose interest in sex? A treatable health reason? It just happened? Depression? Body image issues? And if it is something they are aware of, are they also aware that you have unmet needs? Are they okay with you getting them met elsewhere, because as

No, it’s all anonymous. From what I can, the number posted after the date is the poster’s identifier. So the shooter was No:22785073. This is the whole post about it. It’s absolutely horrifying.

4-Chan enthusiast (if this is legitimate)

And I say this as a 6’5 gay man. Can’t comprehend unwanted penetration, eh? Alright, fine, since you’re basically asking for it. Only if you’re gagged though. Something tells me that your voice would ruin the experience.