Holly shit how could this not be in the list. Its the Best of the best. Sony is so good for making commercials...
Holly shit how could this not be in the list. Its the Best of the best. Sony is so good for making commercials...
The lack of new stuff, innovations and mostly effort Nintendo bring in the series. People are demanding a better looking, more innovative Pokemon game and they just don’t deliver.
I’m not even happy about this.... Res games have been so awful after 4... Just give me a new dead space game and Capcom, fix your shit with the Res series.
That’s Nintendo’s fandom right there. Trowing money even if its not worth it. They really are the ‘’Apple’’ of the video game industry.
Looking at those screenshots i forgot how ugly this game looks...
You should play Digimon cyber sleuth then. Its the Pokemon console game fans are begging to have for years.
That’s why i skipped the last 2 Nintendo’s consoles. In the end of its entire lifespan it has like, 10, 12 games to play on it? Does it worth the 350/400$ ? Not at all.
Over react much? Pokemon is the Call of duty of Nintendo they are over using that licence as much as possible, is it really a surprise for you to have YET an OTHER Pokemon game announced?
Who tells you it wasn’t from google image? The dude may just have been unlucky. Not everyone have played all AC and watched every single painting in the game....
Yea.... I think Ubi’s tweets are kinda mean for that, they should know how its like to be pushed up your ass, and should pick on the responsible for rushing them and not the artists....
Holy s***t what the hell ?!? I’m a huge fan on Uncharted/Naugty dog but what the actual f**k.... This is as embarrassing as it can be....
I like how Conan is 10,000 time funnier than pew die pie....
Buy it on Vita/PS4 and it is so great. The battle NEEDS to be put at hard to have fun and challenge, and the difficulty is just right. The way you obtain new DIgimons and evolve them is fantastic. I never had that much fun with a Pokemon game, ever. So much, that i could compare this game more with a Shin megami…
Careful with all that salt its bad for your heart !
HA ! ....Bullshit.
I don’t get how can people still jump on SF games wen Guilty gear XRD have been the best fighter for years.... And is working fine on every platforms...
I will be that guy, but i think it looks like street fighter 4.5. Wen you look at some fighters like Guilty gear XRD that made a HUGE leap on every aspects... It kinda make SF5 looking meh....
And also the series is not targeting PG13. Its going to be great.
I bet it was as fun as playing the whole story anyway...