Its fucking awesome, that’s what we all played in our head wen in a road trip...
Its fucking awesome, that’s what we all played in our head wen in a road trip...
No its not. They are re-selling keys, its not legit.
Eh, yes? There is Gravity rush 2 coming too so,yes someone could. Just check your facts....
‘’I purchased Zesteria for 40 dollars on PC’’ Yea well i buy my games legally and don’t start with that: but it was legal ! crap.
Agree. But my guess is they go step by step. If they would have stable the framerates and THEN improved graphics/draw distance the framerates would have drop again.
hmm... Inb4 the contradictory: but graphics doesn’t matter comments and the: but PC can still do better.
Just last week Digimon cyber sleuth was out, along with Gravity rush... I won’t put them all but do a little research there is not only Sony making exclusives.
At least at medium pretty near max yes. But for my PC even at lowest i can’t. Its just bad optimization if i can’t run it at least as well as my PS4 does.
I care about every aspects. As i said, some games on PC are not well optimized and ask a better PC than i have for no reasons other than well, bad optimizations... I love the exclusives PS4 has and a lot of other stuff, but no, graphics are not my main point here, more of a whole set of arguments.
I dunno, BO 3 offers a lot of new stuff gameplay wise, so i guess its okay... But i would like it to last more than a year. My bet is that there will be a Titanfall 2, so i may not buy the next COD anyway because of that, so in the end they would be better not releasing a new COD.
Not at all. I need a new graphic card and it would cost the price of a PS4. Just for the card. I also need a new CPU. It climbs pretty fast. In order to only double click on an icon and run everything flawlessly at max setting you need to spend like 3-4 PS4. My PS4 will last for the next 10 years, and will have more…
Yea i get that but even those friends, wen i saw the E3 and Ms announced the console would be always DRM and were saying that it could not be otherwise etc. i just refused to buy one even wen they made a 180. With that and the rest, its really hard for me to get how can someone just go and chose it.
Not really. There are still games on PS4 that will never make it on PC. There are games i prefer playing on my couch with the wireless controller. There are games like fighters *big guilty gear fan, and it took a year and an half for PC to have it...* that are populated by cheaters on PC. I’M actually playing Black…
Its more about the FPS and stuff like that. And i have right now multiple games that are only on PS4 (Digimon cyber sleuth, FF10/10-2 remake, Guilty gear XRD *its on PC yes but a year and an half later... earth defence force 4.1 etc i won’t name them all) and my point is, some games are not well optimized on PC and i…
Most of the time it is not.... And frankly, those exclusives keep being released for like 10 years or so... They still have no new IP exclusive to the console, and that’s what hurts it a lot i guess...
Not really even then Tales of Zestria is pretty new and i already had it for 30$...
Not bad just average. Microtransactions and the fact that the series start to feel over used don’t help either, they are pretty much making as many forza as grand turismo within half the time.
If i could recommend your post 100 times i would. I keep seeing those on Reddit: 350$-400$ PC that can run EVERYTHING at max setting 60fps with our wizardry !! I never denied it can do better than a console but it needs money to be put on it. Most of them are console haters trying to get as many people as possible to…
Well MS should have not shit their pants on 3E saying the console would be always on DRM and they should give people more reason to buy it than Halo/gears of was and the same 3 exclusives they have for the past 10 years...
As a PS4 owner i don’t feel the same... Some games on PC are optimized SO BAD it will ask your PC to be higher than it should be to run it. PC gaming is a lot of investments and its not true that games are cheaper only on PC anymore. There are a lot of sales on the PSN for digital games now *had sleeping dogs…