
I look forward to the inevitable version where Han doesn’t fire at all and Greedo’s shot just ricochets around the cantina until it kills him.

Luckily most Star Wars fans are easy going chaps, and don’t mind a touch up here or there to established canon.

...and this is what you call a dick move.

They know you’re running the football, so you lose three, four yards, so that wasn’t even in our process as coaches to think about that.

Complete with a statement about how he’s now free of all the SNOWFLAKES and LIBERAL FASCISTS who got him fired because they hate FREE SPEECH.

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

I am not an avid baseball fan, mostly casual, but try to at least follow the games as they happen for the Astros because I'm in Houston. I was having dinner with my wife tonight to make up for being gone for two weeks overseas and suddenly heard a MASSIVE commotion when this happened. This wasn't a sports bar, but a

I think he misunderstood when the NFL said they were going to table the discussion on concussions.

When a tweet comes out wrong

That’s nothing. I paid Oddibe Mcdowells water bill one month

I switched to Liberty Mutual because they put a fucking emu in their advertisements. Not because they have a great product and helped me save money

Oh no! Not sham endorsements!

Poor fucker probably missed a 43-yard field goal in practice.

I guess if I were married to Chris Mortensen my default expression would be “mug shot” as well.

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

We’re left to imagine the specifics of your angry rant, but...there is something wrong with at least one of the two people involved in your story here if being mad at losing a softball game results in having to write a nice card.

from the 1940s.

Networks pay millions for ex-players to explain these things to viewers, and 99 times out of 100 it’s obvious the analyst just tries to wow the viewer with jargon from their playing days and fill the airtime with word salad. Watson is more helpful and succinct in that clip than any of them. Does CTE make them