user name checks out.
user name checks out.
As both a pilot, and medic, absolutely this. While altitude might or might not affect the absorption rate of alcohol. It however does affect the ability for one’s blood to absorb oxygen (funnily enough this was taught at both schools). Of course this is compounded by the limited oxygen found at the equivalent…
Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.
at first i was sure that it was a very glossy bill murray, until i realized its actually tom hanks with white paint on him.
What do you know?!? Ricky Bobby was actually telling the truth!
So if you’re an unwavering JoPa supporter, do you:
Man 1960's F1 cars were beautiful. I personally love this shot of Jim Clark 4-wheel drifting a Lotus 49 (the best car of the era IMO) around a corner. Before wings, or sponsorships, the only thing that kept those cars on the ground were the weight of those men’s gigantic balls. Brilliant (though dangerous) era in F1.
Im A320 typed.
So, Thornados?
“Thats bread”
Ugly as all hell in my opinion. Looks like a platypus with a dickbutt. Remember, it’s only an opinion. I’m not trying to start a flame war. The 35 looks much better.
Nothing says “I’m home” in Mother Russia, like a heaping bowl of shit.
Your all caps response is making me hate the new TG even more. Good job!
Sorry, but I am willing to bet many of the ghosts of those who have fallen would have been cheering that shit on the whole time. We’re all cut from the same cloth.
The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.
You’re kidding about anyone not knowing this was in a game, right?
They first attempted to steal a Chipotle truck, but it...
The perps were apprehended, queso closed.
What a poor choice of venue for sounding your trumpet.