
Kinda disagree with the author regarding most of this. All the women are either stupid or crazy, but genuine stupid sleazeball is kinda likeable? Funnily enough I just read this article today, which could have been about this review.…

"We are capable of figuring out if someone doesn't want to do the nasty."

They're only trustworthy when accusing a black man. When they accuse their own race they're pretty much automatically disbelieved.

It must be interesting to read for you guys for sure, and no begrudging here, but I upvoted a couple of the 'fuck off' comments because phrases like "it may seem like a bit of a spoiler knowing it" are *really* fucking annoying. I don't want to have to decide in retrospect whether something is a spoiler or not, and I

You don't get to (1) palm three of your brother's kids off on your rich, powerful husband and the entire kingdom, while (2)making sure everyone's too terrified of you to say what they all know, and (3) offing anyone who really IS stupid enough to try and expose you, by being stupid.

Ha, because it was such a model of probity while the Commodore was alive? He raped her there as a child, fer crissake. I suppose it would be in keeping with the general theme on this show of women getting horribly punished for things that men at worst get an approving punch on the shoulder for.

Maybe he's working for Angela's family then.

I assume it's a reference to Center Parcs, a tragicomic (note exotically American spelling of 'centre'!) yet extortionate chain of holiday villages in the UK whose chief attraction is a large plastic bubble which contains a swimming pool and some plants and thus means that even when it's pissing down, which is pretty