
Yes, guilty as charged; my mind is controlled. Not by the state, or random haters of the good, true and beautiful, but,as much as I can will, by the One who judges the affairs of men, Who Is Goodness, Truth and Beauty Itself, Who confirms my soul in self control. And yours?

The grooming of children to become sex objects doesn't really cause concern for you, does it? Millions of children now have the next version of Raunch n Roll to process through their undeveloped minds, and this doesn't really cause concern for you, does it?

▶ Monarch Programming - MK ULTRA Exposed Full Length - YouTube

▶ Monarch Programming - MK ULTRA Exposed Full Length - YouTube

I want to thank the Christ-haters for constantly reminding me of my eternal fate should I ever do what they do, say what they say, or think the way they think. In an obvious perversion of the Resurrection, we constantly see Hollywood turning butterflies into caterpillars. Can you say "MK Ultra?"