
I agree.

Ok. So.

I've been a long time Criterion fan (yes, even the Need for Speeds) since Burnout 1 and Burnout Paradise is pretty much my favorite game ever. I've been waiting (along with everyone else) for a new Burnout game ever since BP (Burnout Crash doesn't count). This got me really excited, even if it's just very early

I would say that makes them accepted, which is fine because English works on common usage as you say, but I still argue that they are fundamentally, grammatically and historically (if applicable) incorrect. Correct isn't the same as accepted, and incorrect isn't the same as unaccepted. Have we butchered the English

The best part is pronouncing the "x" instead of the "s" actually takes slightly longer - for me anyway.

That makes sense. I always just went with kil-OM-eter because it's slightly faster and sounds cooler.

Colloquial pronunciations (and words..."ain't" is in the dictionary) are often added to the dictionary, which doesn't make them correct.


Copy/pasted from my in-progress car list:

Pagani Zonda C12 '00
Pagani Zonda C12 S '02
Pagani Zonda GR '02
Pagani Zonda C12 S 7.3 '03
Pagani Zonda Roadster '03
Pagani Zonda Monza '04
Pagani Zonda F '05
Pagani Zonda F Roadster '06
Pagani Zonda Cinque '09
Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster '09
Pagani Zonda GJ '09
Pagani Zonda

Two things:

Many professionals I've talked to about getting to a point where there is no blue sky thinking shortcut and you just have to keep repping it until it gets in your head say that most people's problem (and why they don't improve when they practice it) is they practice it until they get it right, when in fact