
This was a really gutsy but smart move by McCaffrey. Of course, I imagine teams will still opt for the more athletic Fournette in the draft, even though he made the move out of pure self-interest. Sad!

Doc Rivers: Hold me back! Hold me back!

Glad he’s doing well, but Clint’s family is ashamed of him.

[insert dickpunching joke here]

Chuck Norris checks under his bed every night for Pascal Duvier.

A true Schiano Man doesn’t apologize for greatness.

Counterpoint: TEMECULA

You’ve really cut to the core of this issue Barry. Today is the day to do something meaningful because damn it, we may not have tomorrow.

Lame. Apparently all lives matter, but not all languages.

I don’t know—I thought he was pretty good.

Wait — a GAWKER AUTHOR posted a hyperbolic and inaccurate post? HEAVEN FORFEND!!!!

Lower skills. Lower ceiling.

Or, not a tragedy at all - Old Nan just wanted him to be a stable boy. Instead he (probably) saved Westeros by letting Bran and Meera escape.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Wow, talk about fluid data streams. Impressive.

That horse is not human!

Making a bunch of uncontested threes on an empty basketball court doesn’t mean you can actually ball. Just ask Kyle Lowry.

So wait, player development, filling out the back end of your roster, free agency, roster chemistry, and trading for players are important parts of building a successful team?

@picrad: I would go as far to say it looks like a faaaaaabulous place to walk around.