financial panther

And that is the proof we demand for all crime. Got robbed? Where’s the photo, LIAR?

Yeah, not a huge fan of her music (and her making #Squad happen, ew), but a huge fan of her attitude during this trial.

Yeah, I really don’t care about Taylor Swift or pop stars in general, but that some rando DJ somewhere thought he could get away with groping an extremely high-profile, successful female musician without consequences just stunned me and reminds me that the attitude persists that all women are fair game, no matter how

A loser who would have been spared all of this if he had never groped her in the first place.

He was thinking he could abuse a woman into a payday. Fuck that joker.

He was thinking she’d settle to make it go away and wouldn’t want to go through the trial process. He was thinking he could scam some $$$ out of her and her business and laugh all the way to the bank. He didn’t think that she would stand up to him and go to court to defend herself, because most people don’t.

I love the idiots in the Washington Post comments section who require photographic or video proof of any claim of sexual harassment. Because harassers always wait until there are cameras around to commit assault.

Laughing at that loser DJ who would have been spared all of this if he hadn’t sued Taylor Swift. Sure, he got fired and maybe he’s had trouble finding a new job, but now anyone who googles him will know about his extracurricular activities, not just radio people. Talk about miscalculating.

Look, I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, but I am a fan of women standing up to their abusers and not backing down. There are lots and lots of problematic things about Swift, and she deserves to be criticized for those things, but this situation is not one of them. This man and his lawyer came at her and tried to make her at

If she is a mindless tool, she’s probably one of those badass ones like a sledgehammer or a pneumatic drill or a flamethrower.

Waiting for all those “Taylor Swift is a mindless tool with no agency of her own” and “A product of her PR team” commenters...

So would not bang.

This has done more to move her from “sweetheart” to badass than anything else could have.

Nope, he’s mediocre. He harrasses wonen and has a criminal record. He looks several years older than he is. He pulls douche moves on a regular basis. He has a good job and isn’t hideous; those facts are all it takes to not be mediocre? Nah. You are demonstrating exactly why mediocre white men run shit: Because the bar

I automatically assume he has a cocaine problem from that quote.

And what about everyone else’s time? I genuinely despise men, and it’s nearly always men, that take slices out of other people’s lives and just show no respect at all for the fact that everyone else also has other shit to do.

Seriously! Apparently he tried to argue that he cares about his time because he’s a project manager. IT IS NEVER A GOOD USE OF YOUR TIME TO TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THINGS.

My vote is actually for Bradley Cooper. He seems okay in interviews but sometimes there’s something about his face that makes me think if he weren’t an actor he’d be some finance bro trying to take upskirt pics.

I hope this guy doesn’t think this interview makes him look any better (he probably does, because he is a selfish idiot!). Arguing the semantics of the word “date” doesn’t make what he did not dickish.