I wanted three, two real quick then a third five years later. I had one and decided that was like three-quarters of a kid too much. He’s cool, I’ll keep him, but I am definitely not having any more.
I wanted three, two real quick then a third five years later. I had one and decided that was like three-quarters of a kid too much. He’s cool, I’ll keep him, but I am definitely not having any more.
For me, the second was not happening (until she happened) because I was 40 when I had the first, that pregnancy was VERY hard (I had that thing that Kim Kardashian talks about where your placenta does not come out and they have to hand scoop it out of you right after you’ve given birth and really don’t even know…
^ Same. Further complicated with each successive miscarriage (2). Currently 5 mo into a pregnancy but a *lot* of feelings, thoughts, logistics, budgeting and “over 35" pregnancy risks were hashed out.
I don’t even have kids and they drive me crazy. My parents wanted like 4 kids and then had my sister and I at the same time (twins) and then were like, never mind on the 4.
It’s funny how wanting/not wanting kids works. Sometimes you are both on the same page and sometimes your not.
He didn’t want more kids with her... I believe he has been practicing baby making with other women.
This sounds super fake. I guess Chris Pratt getting a divorce will make movie star persona look bad. I could see this being one of the issues for a separation but not the main one.
Eh, my best friend almost died having her only child. Her husband comes from a large family and still seems to think she’s going to change her mind and have more. They’ve been in this weird limbo for 2 years and it’s only getting worse. I can’t imagine what will happen when he finally realizes that she’s not joking,…
Anna wanted more kids, Chris didn’t, and now their marriage is over.
The decision to have (or not have) a second child was harder for me than the first.
It likely just precipitated the separation and divorce. Like, if you’re already fantasizing about your Aniston-to-Jolie “upgrade” and your wife brings up another child you’re going to be like “uhhhhhh nooooo worrrrrrk” and she’s going to smell the bullshit and you’re going to get into a big long fight where everything…
She’s not even using the dinglehopper right? Didn’t she grow up in the late 80s? (I think that’s when the Little Mermaid was released)
Ok, Chris Pratt. Sure. Let’s keep spreading rumors about how desirable your man-seed is. I will totally ignore all other blind items.
Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.
It seems like people who are married and already have children could work out some kind of compromise when it comes to having more or not. There definitely is more to the story than that lame reason.
I’m not actually convinced Trump wrote all of those Tweets. There were some pretty big words in there, and some cleverness too. I’m gonna say it’s Bannon who has the phone right now.
Well, we could also talk about the vicious character attacks on John Kerry’s legitimately heroic service in Vietnam by someone who flew planes around Texas thanks to Daddy’s string-pulling.