financial panther

Taylor Swift avoiding paparazzi photos by getting herself transported in a box is my new fav celebrity rumour.

I just took a look outside and it was annoying and unfulfilling. Your theory about us all being inside Taylor Swift has just passed the sniff test.

At first I said no but the guy on the right IS kind of making the facial expression of someone who is contractually obligated to help a popstar “do the most” as the kids say.

The calico looks like she’s pedaling right along.

Isn’t Tay the ultimate piece of music gear?

I hate to be a downer, but that’s a road case for safely carrying music gear.

Schrödinger’s Swift is right, since she’s in there with Meredith & Olivia. There will be no surviors.

People give it that “damned misogynistic connotation” because the root of the word is “hystera”, the ancient Greek for uterus.

This! Also, I feel like there’s definitely something to the gender aspect here. This is an issue affecting women so clearly the women are at fault for being so frivolous with their money, and are “hysterical” and “bridezillas” for being upset about their money being taken from them with no goods to show for it.

So these women are less wonderful because they decided to spend more on their dresses? Fuck off with that shit.

Long story short, we broke off the engagement a month before the wedding. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the only thing I regret is that I never got to wear the dress.

Guys, it’s been awful.

Plus it’s not just the brides spending that money - my dress was over the $1,000 but it was a gift from my parents, who wanted to contribute something for the day without just writing a cheque. I’d have been mortified if this had happened, as they saved for a long time to purchase that dress for me.

I feel like there are two distinct issues here.

Yeah, they do, but they still presumably legitimately earned that money and they have every right to spend it on whatever ill-advised thing they like and not get ripped off. Consumer protection isn’t only for sober, wise spendthrifts.

I was bridesmaid last summer to an Alfred Angelo bride and I...almost wish this hadn’t waited a year to happen. I hated that dress. (I have broad shoulders, small breasts, and narrow hips and the cut of the dress was not flattering at all.) It got taken in too much so it ended up being a little bit too small, when I

So you would put on super fancy shoes for Liam Neeson?

The whole point is that these women paid for their dresses and now can’t get them, nor are they hearing anything from the company to which they gave $1k+. Thatz not okay! Regardless of how you feel about the Wedding Industrial Complex, as someone so eloquently put it upthread, having your money stolen from you and a

Fuck this company. My friend went through them for bridesmaids dresses and both stores were a fucking nightmare of unorganization. Plus they somehow entered me as a bride so I got TONS of emails for over a year. Because it says in their fine print (as I later learned) they reserve the right to “rent” your email. Like

I can see that - I think what was bugging me about this article in particular was that the author didn’t seem to have any sense of remorse about it. I mean, her own father said that she “tortured” this kid so badly that dad had to ring the kid’s parents to apologise on more than one occasion. That’s pretty significant