Beat the whole game. Didn’t notice that. Everything was smooth, nothing looked glitchy or teleporty as you suggest. No cheap moves, you just had to learn the boss patterns. You might have seen some bugs.
Beat the whole game. Didn’t notice that. Everything was smooth, nothing looked glitchy or teleporty as you suggest. No cheap moves, you just had to learn the boss patterns. You might have seen some bugs.
The combat definitely has greater depth than souls, especially with the stance and ki pulse systems.
my 2 cents if you don’t like the dark soul challenge you might not make it so far in the story anyway.
This looks like Onimusha and Drak Souls had a baby.
I can solve valve’s problem: enact quality control and mod greenlight.
BSTs of 570! That’s less than the pseudo-legendaries!
Wait are Ultra Beast not banned?
Thanks for this. This is one of the more informative articles I’ve read about the Meta in a while.
lmao, fuck... I’m so used to bitching about Destiny that I’m conflating developers now.
If you keep in mind that no one on this site can write worth a damn it makes more sense. The staff is basically the Overwatch Tumblr fandom with a wider audience.
I’m still waiting on my Winston buff. Of all the tanks in this game, he’s the only one not to be a part of the current tank meta. Not to mention he’s not even particularly good at the role he’s supposed to play.
Kotaku has to make their daily tumblr quota of adding something sexual to every single Overwatch post they make somehow, I guess.
It either has to do with this, which is technically a romance game and not a sex game but let’s be real, and that Bastion is one of the characters chosen for it, or...tumblr. They make their own canon.
As a massive fan of HR; I can say that MD improved on the GAMEPLAY of that game in almost every way, but the story is a mess. It never goes anywhere and the end is extremely unsatisfying. Just keep that in mind, if you go in with low expectations you won’t feel like you were punched in the gut at the end.
I could maybe do a threesome, but she’s afraid she would get jealous, and I get that if I’m present in any capacity it could present problems for her exploration of herself.
Yep. You strip gender and sexuality from the discussion and it’s one partner wanting to sleep around while not being okay with the other doing so.
Sort of, but that’s what it will ultimately come down to. The guy even said his GF admitted to likely feeling jealous in a threesome situation. I’d fully expect those feelings to crop up if he also went poly. She wants to explore but doesn’t want to feel the jealousy of him doing the same. That sort of imbalance,…
Remove her sexuality from the equation.
I may get some flak for this (especially because I suspect I won’t word this as carefully as I should), but:
So...girlfriend can have sex with other partners, you cannot be part. Because if you were, she might leave you. Let’s note SHE IS HAVING SEX WITH OTHER PEOPLE but you shouldn’t be part of it if you allow it because she’s going to leave.