Looks like they delivered on a metric fuckton of meh.
AND still no cuphead, which, what else do we want?
Looks like they delivered on a metric fuckton of meh.
AND still no cuphead, which, what else do we want?
Yes, and that’s a pic of world champion hot dogger Joey Chestnut up near the top. Not sure if he won though.
holy shit has anyone ever discussed whether the selfie cam on your iPhone works for vampires?
Real question: Are the swords photoshopped in? I saw a dude get hassled by an entire counterterrorism unit for bringing his fencing sword home from practice, I can’t imagine Geralt got away with swords on Wall Street.
Momma’s got a WiFi-enabled squeezebox, daddy never sleeps at night
I don’t know anything about this, but do people die and/or get hurt when this happens? And the match keeps going regardless? Fucking awesome.
Honest question, is it possible that the field of competition is getting big enough now that these guys just no longer reign supreme? With these tourneys’ growing popularity it seems possible that we’re just now getting top-tier play.
Except that the direct quote in that video is, “So there you have it, the framerate in BOTW has definitely been improved.”
Best part is they got their shit together and realized Nathan Fillion needs to be front and center.
How is Yooka Laylee!? Please say awesome.
You’ve convinced me but dear god if you say the word bloat again
Nor does it explain what ANYTHING means
I don’t play LoL so I’m ignorant here, but why would someone want to boost their rank in the first place? Wouldn’t that throw you into a league or bracket that’s far more difficult than where you were?
Really? Nobody’s mentioned porn yet? Porn. Definitely, always, porn.
Continuum is a helluva lot of fun to watch
That’s quite a price point for an MMO that players have been on the fence about since release.