Thank god. Man when I finished it, it was a feeling of relief that it was over, not triumph
YES King’s Field! I didn’t even put two and two together, I remember never beating that game and playing it all the time.
Keep trying! I just beat Bloodborne the other day after a year and a half. When I came back after a hiatus, I practiced some in Old Yarnum, and when I got schooled too often on a boss, I summoned some nice folk who helped AND showed me some new techniques. Summoning help isn’t as shameful as it seems ;)
Good call! I usually find that embeds scrub the timestamp, but apparently Kinja does not. Awesome
For anyone looking for the vid of Klepek playing it, 33:00 here
I just finally beat bloodborne today. What should I play on ps4? I've bored myself to tears with division, destiny, fo4 and siege, and I definitely don't wanna go to DS3 just yet.. HALP
hell yeah
For sure, I’m sure some people enjoyed it. I just could not. None of the story or dialogue felt anything more than surface level to me.
Well, for two reasons: 16 is most definitely a child, and they look and act wayyyyy younger than that. There’s no emotional or intellectual maturity there.
Anyone else find Bravely Default hard to keep picking up? Love the combat and customization, but the story and obnoxious characters were always a wall between me and the next battle. Can’t stand talking to children all day.
This is Nostalrius right?
Not so sure Crystal Pepsi left out the bad stuff
I just hit 30 too — if you’re on PS4 let’s group! filthyreporter
I had the same thing! I crammed for hours until I got the burliest sabertooth around and then couldnt bring myself to pop in the game anymore.
Can we compare to U.S. sales? 2.3 million means nothing to me with no comparison.
This was all serious to me until Porygon reared its ugly dumb head at #2
It gets better. One of the best tips I got was to go straight to Diamond City, because that’s where the fun begins. Now, once you get to the end game content, you might start having that feeling again...