It won't be. I have trust in the writers of the show that Pearl will prove to be more nuanced than that.
It won't be. I have trust in the writers of the show that Pearl will prove to be more nuanced than that.
And to think that there are some people saying that Pearl hasn't undergone any character development!
That image reminded me of the surreal horror that most of "Rose's Room" consisted of. David Lynch would be proud.
Early on in the show, Pearl came across as the most "mom-like" of the Crystal Gems due to her constant concern over Steven's development and well-being. But now I'd say that Garnet has taken over that role, and Pearl's personality flaws are becoming more apparent.
Agreed. Cartoon Network still has its fair share of crappy shows, but Steven Universe is definitely not among them. It's my favourite cartoon show of the decade so far; it's capable of being simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking.