
That's messed up, that you don't think people should be allowed to choose to die. I mean you're not even arguing the technically a child bit, you're flat saying that she shouldn't be allowed the choice regardless. That's really totalitarian of you.

Well the way to slap anti-science folks is to let them act on their stupid beliefs. This woman would die and that's that. It isn't our job to force people to save themselves.

Because children are property. That's basically how they're dealt with by the law here in the US. It's the reason parents are on the hook for damage that their children cause etc. I think it's fucked up that the state is forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do. Suicide should be legal. A year from now

People have a right to chose to die. If she was a year older this would be as illegal as it is immoral. That it isn't illegal doesn't make it right.

We do know that the girl doesn't want chemo and is being held against her will. If she was a year older this would be illegal and fucked up. It should be illegal and fucked up now.

It wasn't a joke.

I appreciate Jones' efforts in assuring that no one will root for the Cowboys.

I bet that was some tasty hummus honestly. I mean entirely garlicky and chunky, but garlic is a pretty good flavor.

To answer one of your questions, you're completely to blame. If you want games that respect your time (you obviously don't, why should the game?) then you need to stop playing ones that don't.

Your average rich person would cut off their own head if they thought it'd help them live longer.

Do you see any goldfish poop? No? Then they are definitely constipated, goldfish are poop machines.

Knife's so sharp it's cutting light.

It only hurts people who need to be hurt.

Cheating at videogames is okay regardless. Sorry that other people want to play with their toys in a way you don't approve of.

People who play videogames and believe that using hacks makes you mentally ill are mentally ill. It was a joke/explanation about projection and why that guy'd bring up mental illness.

Because some people who play videogames are mentally ill and project that illness onto others.

No, that'd be the people who get upset about the people who cheat like this.

So? The best part is you'll never know if the people you're playing against/with earned their loot legit.

Makes sense. I'd always thought of them as a Western thing, like Jack-in-the-Box, but I guess they started in Ohio. I dunno, they do a good job at occupying their niche I guess.

You can get a crunchwrap supreme with beans instead of meat? The beans aren't cooked in meat drippings or anything.