
Watterson is still alive. Calvin and Hobbes are safe.

It'll be a game for sure, but drama gets clicks. Seattle's front office are dicks.

Ahahaha. I rescind my previous comment, because of the hair if nothing else.

You can rely on a runner QB if the people around them make good decisions. Letting him walk/limp back out onto that field in '12 is why he's where he is. Seattle and (ugh) San Francisco are doing fine with their athletic quarterbacks. They also keep them safe and make sure they rabbit for the sidelines if they need

He was pretty legit. I can't understand how the fanbase didn't eat the franchise alive after they let him go back into that game. That's your future walki—limping onto that field.

People are incapable of admitting that the only thing Manning is good for (either of 'em) is goofy faces when he fucks up.

Why do a film when you've got a live model readily available?

The rabbit was eaten. It's not like the meat was discarded. This rabbit would have been killed anyway, only the location differed.

Again you're describing things in emotional terms. You don't have any proof these teenagers were bloodthirsty. I understand you don't want to think about where your food comes from. In Idaho, it's a part of our biology two course. You dissect things etc.

Those are pretty slanderous accusations. You have no proof of either and are just making things up. A willingness to kill/butcher/murder does not imply a brutality or coarseness of the soul ma'am.

I'd forgotten how much of a difference that game could have made to Greenbay.

I think one of those is a fucking tulwar.

That game got us the real refs back though. If the Fail-Mary (and all the other terrible calls that game) didn't happen it's entirely possible Goodell would still be fighting. =)

As a Seahawk fan I can assure you the NFL replacement refs were amazing.

People are desperate to own an NBA team, as dumb as that is. Players have the power, as they rightfully should. The question is whether or not they'll use it.

Yeah fair enough. Did you read the article at Buzzfeed? I was surprised by how self serving it seemed. Like Sr. got a hold of them, all that. It seems like they really took a lot of what he said at face value.

Better than shooting everyone involved. The audacity of it is the best part. The only thing that would make it better is if they had boxes labelled 'Bidding Papers' behind them when they told him they didn't have the documents anymore.

I imagine the countries would ignore an openly gay player. No matter how provocative his actions. They've got a real history of letting people with power/tourists get away with whatever and only making life difficult for their own citizens/indentured servants (slaves).

Because most people don't feel that way. Seriously.
