Nice gender shaming.
Nice gender shaming.
Nah. It was due to the Democrats absolute fear of being worth voting for. They ran away from Obamacare, they ran away from raising the minimum wage, they ran away from being anything other than centrists. Fuck the center.
#NotallWhiteys is bullshit though. You're comparing an active and ongoing discrimination #NotallMen to something that happened in the past that no one today can be held responsible for. Obviously shit needs to get fixed, but acting like white people have to apologize for the actions of their ancestors is fucked up and…
The Bone is genuinely terrible. I wish Microsoft had made a decent console this generation but they chose not to. $100 million into development and the controller is slightly worse than the 360s.
Paul is a parasite and so are his voters.
Basic economics aren't actually that difficult. Even the macro stuff isn't hard if you want to take the time to study it. The problem is that the conclusions you will come to are dictated entirely by your political orientation. There is no one true path towards prosperity. It's more like alchemy than it is chemistry.…
I don't think that's the case. Putin isn't smarter than Obama, he's just less constrained by political realities. If Putin was smarter than Obama you'd expect to see Russia doing well. Even leaving aside the Ukraine stuff they aren't. The ruble is down, precipitously and dramatically.
I was always curious about that. Remember when he formed the Legion of Chastity or whatever it was? It was so much better than your standard face/heel turn.
This is the correct response. I was watching the game, kind of worried we would lose to a fucking Manning, when I saw that this had happened and knew that everything was going to be okay.
Manning face is the only reason to watch the Giants. I appreciated the coach just getting angrier and angrier as the game went on.
That's because we like you and are hoping you don't go back to that dark time in your life.
You know how there are softball leagues in the summer here in America? Various bars and businesses competing against each other for a trophy. Imagine if that was really serious business. People get hired to work for company X because of softball skills. If they're good at their job, great, but they are there to play…
My name is also Miles, so this was the best.
Territorial grounds don't include sovereign nations. I know that is hard to accept.
There are no humor police. Fashion police and taste police are equally mythical. There is no one to answer your question except yourself, for you.
Yes. This is technically true. OTOH you can't prove that it's not a witch's nipple. Perhaps that explains his Superbowl performances. It was a very poorly worded deal with the devil.
Then you will lose and you will deserve to. If you can't talk over a mildly enthusiastic audience laughing at the scoreboard antics, you will never talk over a passionate fanbase that wants to see you go down in flames. Seriously, did you see the Superbowl? Manning should have white noise headphones strapped to his…
Well yes. Luckily the descriptivists are winning the battle. Perhaps in a few decades you and the grammarians on the prescriptivists will have managed to turn the tide, but it seems unlikely. Turns out words mean what the people who use them say they mean.
Please. Dude played weak teams for an entire season. Did you see the Superbowl? That's who Manning actually is. A giant baby who can't handle noise.
The fivehead alone should disqualify him. from sainthood.