Probably not. People who try to get prescriptive with others' language are rarely happy.
Probably not. People who try to get prescriptive with others' language are rarely happy.
Gonna be amazing when the other team's fans at the Superbowl make him look almost as bad as he did last year. Man should be required to play with earplugs until he learns to handle crowd noise.
Your life is sad if you feel exploited by this.
Dude is actually svelte now. It's amazing what having all the money can do for you. Still a terrible human being of course.
No, no, black friend. He's only got the one.
I really enjoyed the Rock vs Mankind no DQ match during one of the Superbowls. It was just so goofy. They went everywhere in this arena. Broke into bathrooms, broke into the scaffolding really briefly, everywhere. They break into a concession stand at one point and start hitting each other with enormous plastic bags…
Honestly if you ever find yourself reaching for a Nietzsche quote it's you, you're the villain. Even more so if you have them memorized.
Green Bay was Seattle's sacrifice to the gods to get the real refs back. You remember how terrible the scabs were? How completely awful those first three weeks were? The Fail Mary was the only way to get the real refs back. Somebody had to do it.
I guess Marshawn is going to be the Lynchpin of our offense.
They didn't acknowledge the story until they were asked by a 'legitimate' news org. It's like with the National Enquirer, you don't acknowledge them unless an actual journalist asks you something that the National Enquirer reported on. I hate to make that comparison, but this was 'Bat Boy' levels of journalistic…
Yeah, like that. I don't disagree with where you're coming from man, I'm just trying to tell you that it isn't healthy to view people as a monolith. They aren't. Everyone came to the Republican party for their own reasons. If you want to break them away from that party you've got to be able to talk to them as…
Replying to myself because I'm a jerk. It wasn't Tommy Craggs who screwed up it was Dave McKenna and I apologize for getting that wrong.
Man, right now we don't know if Gardner even said any of the things claimed in the initial story. He's denied it, and the original reporter apparently kept no notes. Letting a story get down to a he said she said level is bad journalism. I hope Deadspin learns from this, though what they can learn besides 'make damn…
Maybe record the call in some way. Even just notes or whatever being released would be good. Usually though your source is on the record so to speak so you've got some kind of record.
For what it's worth your classicism is showing. People living in trailers are by no means lesser. Basically you're part of what's wrong with America. Hope you live long enough to see the error of your ways.
Well fair is fair. Doesn't say they called. Probably an email.
I don't think anybody is arguing that Gardner isn't terrible (he is). I think most people are arguing that his being terrible doesn't excuse making shit up. Which to be totally clear is what appears to have happened in this case.
To be fair to Gardner's campaign, why would you respond? A website you don't take seriously, part of Gawker media which you also don't take seriously, is trying to waste your time with a non-story. Why give them the time of day? Easier to dismiss allegations after the fact if they're false, and that lets you avoid an…
There are all sorts of reasons people might be Republican that don't involve being shady. Some people get brought up Republican etc. You do yourself no favors by categorizing people based on political loyalties. They're halfish of the country. Do you really think it's a good healthy/normal/useful in any way to write…
Well that's fair. (You're breaking kayfabe mang. We are supposed to be super serious business interneters as part of the Gawker commentariat. Harassing each other and that. Or at least that's my impression.)