
No one will ever know though. Fortunately in your case. Seriously, 'First?' is just unacceptable on every level. The question mark betrays your complete lack of conviction, rendering what should be an exultant declaration into a witless weak willed attempt to curry stars.

Maybe. Rugby is pretty savage and if he can learn to move in pads no reason he couldn't at least make a practice squad.

At some point, when your bluffs keep turning into wins, you just embrace it, go all in every hand. Sure, you'll lose eventually. It'll be a hell of a ride 'til then though.

Heh. I dunno, I feel like being transparent as possible is a good thing. You're right though, I might be expecting/demanding to much.

Benefit of the doubt he got completely played from start to finish. Which is why he should release whatever he's got and come clean. Realistically though, he hasn't got anything and has already come clean. In which case he should resign. I don't know what journalistic ethics looks like exactly, but this isn't it.

I was wondering if you had tapes or anything? If you do you should definitely release them. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, you got completely played from start to finish. If you want to keep journalistic credibility (I don't mean with me, I just mean with people in general, this seems like the kind of thing that

As someone who has never managed to get out of the greys it'd be cool to have some company. A whole secret website, never seen by the Eloi commentators, where we greys can fester as we plot our revenge. Did I say revenge? I meant a surprise party.

You should look into tribalism. It's not healthy to be this heavily invested in the political game that you assume all Republicans are wrong/immoral/shady. They aren't. No more than all Democrats are good/upright/trustworthy. People will use your loyalties against you if you don't question them occasionally.

Man until he produces some sort of recording we don't even know what the old dude said. He got burned pure and simple. Unless he's got tape he's got no way of proving he isn't the bad guy.

He wasn't bragging. He was contesting the factual inaccuracies of a story. I'm really not sure why you're invested in this narrative. Why do you personally care whether McKenna comes out of this looking good?

Man, I'm sorry but that's dumb. Facts are facts and it really looks like McKenna didn't get his straight before he went to print. One of the advantages the web offers is that you don't have a time crunch the way print media does. No presses to stop.

So are you though. If your political ethics boil down to 'well they did it first' then they don't really exist.

I'm a Democrat. Voted for Obama in 08 and Stein in 12. I think printing false stories is reprehensible. Dude owes us an explanation of how this happened. Recordings, any evidence for his version of events, etc. If he doesn't have any he should be firmly reprimanded and perhaps fired. This event tarnishes the reporter

Eh. I was a Democrat well before I was old enough to vote. Same way some of my class were Republicans. It's a tribal affiliation when you're younger.

Have you tried the diet mt dew sangria stuff? I can't remember what it's called right now, it's one of the Tacobell exclusive flavors. So weird and so good.

They're really convinced that they're outnumbered and outgunned politically by a matriarchy. It's like they bought into equality but then flipped out when they realized that treating women equally means men won't always be the best at things. I do feel like they tend to be more conservative than not though. The

Basically most people aren't trained to think the way you need to to be an effective manipulator/conspirator. It's probably for the best really.

I don't think that's an apt description. MRAs are terrible but they're pretty vocal. They'd have gone big sooner or later.

It's useful because of the anonymity. It lets people be who they actually are. The fact that for a lot of people that's a particularly shitty troll isn't great, but for some people it's the only place they can come out and be who they are. Wizardchan (which isn't 4chan) is kind of a sadder offshoot, but for some

Maybe not. Maybe if nobody looks at it they'll stop doing it. I mean we could try that. I'm a dude (and have not to the best of my knowledge looked at naked people who didn't want me looking) and I don't think it's particularly moral to look at people who don't want me looking. I guess that's a thing you've gotta