If you have the original versions, just mod them. It’s incredibly impressive what the mod community has done.
If you have the original versions, just mod them. It’s incredibly impressive what the mod community has done.
Yeah my wife keeps recommending we watch YF with our teen son and I keep telling her he’s got ZERO experience with old b&w horror movies. Too much will go over his head.
Given the absolutely spectacular work done by the modding community these remasters aren’t really worth it.
Hey, Shailene... your husband is a piece of shit for lying to his friends and co-workers about his vaccination status. That’s it.
I think the bigger takeaway is how this proves the addictiveness of social media. I mean you’re the richest person in the world, you can do ANYTHING you want. You can even do things out of this world... and you spend time dicking around on Twitter? Sad.
Dude, it’s not your opinion that’s under fire. You lied about your vax status and then hung out with people. What about those people’s right to choose to hang out only with vaccinated people? You shit all over them.
It doesn’t just drop the DLC back into the collection, but makes sure that it’s an updated version of the original content as well, with difficulty adjusted, extra music and sound effects added, and some other 2009-era roughness smoothed out.
A lot of people. I’m racially ambiguous so at some point people ask a variation of, “what are you?”
I don’t want to give them a lazy way to think they know how to approach me.
I’m half black and half white, and I lean into that shit. When people ask me how I identify I say I’m a minority of one. I’m me, fuck you. However I do then acknowledge that if comes down to race war (which is what I suspect the subtext of the question is, every time) I’d be black because I’d choose it and it would…
This is America
Axel Foley ain’t gonna like this!
They hear it and think it’s proof there’s no racism.
The legal strategy that Altheimer should be pursuing against Troyer is “take him for all he’s got!”
So your position is that Chappelle isn’t transphobic even tho he claimed to be a terf because he doesn’t know what the term means, despite using it?
Yeah, I went to see Black Widow in the theater and I’m done with that. Masked, not snacking, fully clothed, neck hurt from leaning to the side the whole time cause the person in front of me was tall. I’m done with theaters. In my underwear with whatever I want to eat and drink while relaxing on my sofa? Yeah that’s…
So torn. I really support devs doing something original and not doing a movie tie-in cash grab, but on the other hand I don’t think we’ve ever gotten a genuine MCU game (which I understand why) and that’s a shame too.
Didn’t he claim to be a terf?
I haven’t seen it but from what I read his comments did come off as transphobic. So in the office yesterday and talking to a trans person and they said they saw it and loved it.
I agree with you in general but I’m aware there are points to be made about protecting the rights of children and estates and promoting families, etc... that I know nothing about that I’d like to hear about before I agreed to dissolve civil marriages. But yeah in general I don’t see a need for it. Likely some holdover…