
private citizens must also recognize those marriages

He should have just written a script and then gotten pornstars to perform the lecture.

Given the possible outcome of a cop reporting a black man had threatened his life, the charges and penalties should be more along the lines they dish out for swatters.

Agreed. People, still at this late date think hypocrisy or shame will somehow affect how conservatives behave when there is zero evidence of that being the case.

currently being investigated in child exploitation crimes to the sex-trafficking

The bar for hate speech at Netflix is pretty damn high. Unless someone says something and admits their intent is to cause harm... it’s all good!

How’d he get busted? My fav so far is the idiot who got caught cause they misspelled “Maderna”

I love the idea of these games but I’ve found in practice that the resource management needs to be rational and make sense for you to do well... and that’s no fun.

I guess it’ll be cool for people who haven’t played it before butt this sorta sounds like regular San Andreas with all the mods and graphics upgrades. I was hoping for San Andreas being remade with the GTA:V engine.

Call me a skeptic but if rules helped, there wouldn’t be a problem in the first place.

I dunno, it’s Texas, I just assume most of em don’t need to be taught the other side of slavery... they already believe it.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Get that teacher outta there!

I guess my first question would be: Aside from the one way by which you primarily define your purpose which is by definition both conservative and anti-woman… how are you progressive? Are you for divesting from big oil? For reparations? Support voting rights for all, making Election Day a national holiday? Pro lgtb+

I’m good. Saw Black Widow in the theater. Masked, no popcorn, neck hurting from leaning to the side the whole time because of the tall person in front of me. Coulda been in my underwear, eating drinking whatever I want from the comfort of my sofa. 

How DARE Denzel not be willing to engage with her media pablum!

If they remake these games in the GTA5 engine, that’d be something special.

If your ex says, “Fuck you, fuck everyone who looks like you... actually, you know what? Fuck your whole gender... ah dammit, I’m leaving the only inhabitable planet available to us to never see your gender again...” you mighta been a shitty partner.

White People: Why won’t these lazy ni**ers get jobs!?!?

Bottom line: If the existence of a post-graduate poli-sci course is your justification for banning books in elementary school, you’re a racist.

My prediction: Fans will watch it, not like it. Non-fans will be like “WTF am I looking at?”