
My personal schadenfreude alone would be worth millions

Can’t we just sell all the people who signed the petition into slavery and donate the proceeds to the UNCF?

Now playing

The only good thing that came out of Age of Conan.

Yes but by doing so they invite regulation as they highlight their monopolistic ways by denying competitors access to their marketplace so they’d want to be very careful how they proceed

The policy makes exceptions for cases that endanger public safety”

I FINALLY got a PS5 the other day. I needn’t have bothered. Not much worth playing (for me) that I haven’t already played on the PS4.

Alabama Set to Cut Racist Language From State Constitution... Racist Behavior However, Will Remain Unabated.

So... he wants to fuck his mother?

OK, fine, if that’s what you’re telling us, fine, that’s how we take it in.”

Govt rep threatens bloodshed over fake rigged election claims in order to create conditions for said rep to pass legislation to help him legitimately rig elections.

No 2001?

Yeah I came here to post:  EVERY GODDAMN FRAME FROM 2001!!!!!!

Go half screen width with your browser and you can scroll the whole list.

Go half screen width with your browser and you can scroll the whole list.

Go half screen width with your browser and you can scroll the whole list.

Yes but the real grift is that he can use the existence of the lawsuit as grist to fleece his base for more contributions. It’s proof he’s fighting for them! To own the libs!!!

they censor specific voices and thought so that other users only hear one side of a story

Important reminder: Trump’s popularity with his base is based solely on him telling them what they want to hear, not any quality or ideas of his own.

Oh yes absolutely, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was making a “revelation”, just noting it’s a reminder of it.

Important lesson about Trump’s popularity: It isn’t based on what he thought, said or believed, it was based solely because he told ignorant racist bigots what they wanted to hear. The second he stops telling him that, they’ll turn on him.