
Come on, the “Washington D’Bags” is perfect. It captures how they feel about having to change their name, and how the rest of us feel about them.

Kim rules MMA!!!

Pfft, in video games, I bang anyone they let me.

They should order from Dominos. It would totally be free.

Before I finished reading the headline I was already thinking “Galactus!!!!”

“All Units: Be advised we have reports of black people trying to buy a home. Proceed with extreme prejudice.”

Interesting... didn’t see a denial in his explanation of the lawsuit.

If you give them a hundred specific examples, you have just wasted your day doing the work for someone else who isn’t interested in listening or learning.

Seems like a good choice but I’m still upset that Oscar Isaac got cast to only do Gomez’ voice. No problems with Luis Guzman, I think he’s a great choice, but still... Oscar Issac.

The inherent sexism of assuming a monogamous relationship implies ownership of the woman is incredible. Also incredibly stupid on so many levels.

It’s shit like this that makes my blood boil when I mention systemic racism and someone replies, “What systemic racism?”

However the rest of the world would like me to not.

It’s shocking how often America honors people who promoted and profited from oppression. It’s almost like promoting and profiting from oppression is distinctly American!

The university also announced the opening of the new “Go Fuck Yourself” Olympic sized swimming pool filled with white tears.

In regular RDR2 I fondly remember taking out a group of kkk, capturing the leader, hogtieing him and throwing him on the back of my horse, took him to the train tracks, threw him on the ground positioned my horse so he shit on him then left him on the tracks till a train came. After he was run over by the train I put

give white people a collective chubby

I don’t know how you’d judge such a thing but I’ll tell you this much, it was definitely written by Bob Dylan.

...callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

That’s good, but they lose a few points by not actually showing him wearing his diapers which would really drive it home.

The guy who dresses up in diapers and drinks from a babies bottle to “own the libs” is a leading intellect of the Right.