
The science of lunch

It worked at half-width for me quite nicely. Thank you!

Five officers with the Savannah Police Department were fired on Monday after a man died while in their custody.

Owls, there just like me!

“We struggled at first at finding Starfield’s identity,”

You’d have to be a pretty dim bulb to preorder this

You’d have to be a pretty dim bulb to preorder this

For white people “meritocracy” means “Whites Only”

Given the incredibly lush vibrant open world of AC Odyssey I could see Ubisoft pulling off a pretty faithful recreation of Pandora.

Aww... I misread and thought he was quitting being a legit talk show host and could go back to doing something brilliant.

It’s only hard if you’re worried about upsetting republicans before midterms or have your own election/re-election plans.

I heard Madea is going to be played by Scarlett Johannsson.

I used to have similar problems trying to negotiate a “regular” coffee at Starbucks. Where I live and grew up walking into any deli, bodega, diner, etc... and asking for a “regular” coffee is just a given. At Starbuck it’s it’s whole production!!

RE: Ellie Kemper, I would think this: she was crowned the Veiled Prophet Queen of Love and Beauty was the far more embarrassing bit of the whole affair.

It’s a very narrow niche, but if it fits for you, Detroit: Become Human is spectacular. At first I wasn’t too enthralled because of the game style, I started playing reluctantly (I think I got it free with PS+ or some dirt cheap sale) but then I hit a point in the storyline and I was ALL in. Played through multiple

Now playing

I wouldn’t have thought anyone could approach this level of ridiculousness in court much less surpass it... but here we are.

It’s always been Minecraft in space I believe. Collecting resources to build stuff so you can collect more resources is a pretty big part of the game.

NMS had to decide to be a Minecraft

A few things...

Probably just sat on his balls.

I haven’t followed too closely (since you can’t find em in stock) but didn’t Nvidia make some noise about doing something to their gaming cards so they couldn’t be used to mine?