I wouldn’t even let them back in the country. They should be stripped of their citizenship.
I wouldn’t even let them back in the country. They should be stripped of their citizenship.
Yep, critical thinking says look at the data they’re not showing you.
No comparison graph with 3060/70/80's? Seems like that might be more relevant.
Sure, I get that in a general context. But in the context of presenting a defense at court, it does need to be precise. In one case they’re saying they didn’t break the law because the president ok’d it, in the other they saying they did break the law but it was justified.
Still don’t see how it flies. How does believing the election was stolen make their actions legal? They’re screwed, I hope.
Wait wait wait!
You’re missing the point. Did Patton blame the audience? It’s comedy, the onus is on the comedian. Your initial question proves it: You posit that it was on Patton to come up with a joke to make that audience laugh. Does the audience have any obligation to find the comedian funny? No, it’s all on the comedian. If a…
There’s not much left in this ol brain besides old tv and commercial jingles.
My takeaway: He’s up for parole already?
♫ Yeah, yeah, yeah! ♫
First of all *high five* for Fisto-Roboto. Krieger my boy!
With any luck and/or justice this teacher will be out of work and in less than a year eating cat food when the realization hits him he’s the animal.
Franklin Templeton didn’t launch a proper investigation into the incident
I would blame Patton for making a joke his audience did not find funny. Or more accurately if Patton blamed the audience for not finding the joke funny he’d be wrong. I think that’s the disconnect we’re having. You think I’m saying the audience can’t be wrong. I’m saying the comedian is wrong if they blame the…
I disagree. A comedian does a set in front of an audience to specifically make that audience laugh. That’s the business. If that audience doesn’t laugh, the comedian failed to be funny. The audience isn’t to blame.
I posted this in a similar article a month or so ago, but between Cyberpunk 2077 negating my need for an RTX 3080 and the PS5 in addition to being hard to get, so far consistently unnecessary, I’ve saved a bundle this year.
Thank goodness we can now translate WAP into ancient Greek!
Comedians who complain about an audience not liking a joke is the stupidest thing ever. Generally speaking for almost every art form the test for it’s quality is vague, nebulous and absolutely in the eye of the beholder. Except for comedy. If you yell a joke and the audience doesn’t like it, you failed the point of…
When will it be a next gen open world RPG?
Well, here’s to you, ABC4 Utah, KVUE Austin, and Denver’s folksy Mile High Living