
I bought the Homicide boxset with my tax return a few years ago. It includes the movie and the "Law and Order" episodes. Money well spent.

TNT shows Original Recipe reruns Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Awww hell naw!!! Adore is my favorite Pumpkins album!!! It is the fine wine of album and has only gotten better with age. I fell in love with it when it came out in 1998 when I was a teen, it was so different. But now in my early 30s my appreciation for it has only grown.

Why can't we like both? That was how I rolled in high school.

I too would love to see Harris write another book, not even Hannibal related. I know he said when he finished Hannibal he said he had to do what made Clarice and Hannibal happy, that he had to let them go. Besides following time line, Hannibal would be an old man by now and Clarice pushing 50. If anything it would be

Yeah De Laurentiis owns the rights all characters first appearing in Red Dragon, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. MGM still owns the rights to all characters first appearing in The Silence of the Lambs. Fuller originally wanted Cynthia Nixon's character to be Krendler since she was the same position but he couldn't

I totally get what you're saying but I think they're somehow getting around it because from what I can tell none of the artists are getting paid, all the money is going to production costs.

Especially unseen. I've known people to by the occasional print of a piece they've liked but they've already seen what they were buying.

I think we've all been on that website. I just might have Hannibal fanfic on that website but I kick it old school and it's all about him and Clarice so all the new "fannibals" aren't very fond of me.

You're my new best friend.

What do you what about? That all this shit is.

EXACTLY!!! When I first saw this I was like who the fuck is paying for fanfic and fanart? Who are these dumbasses?

I didn't know that. That's interesting because that's before we got Nazis ate my sister in Hannibal and then expanded on Nazis ate my sister and I was statutory raped by my aunt in Hannibal Rising.

I think you're totally right. Large chunks of Red Dragon are dedicated to Dolarhyde and developing his relationship with Reba to the point that you really feel for him. You see the man and not just the monster. I never got that feeling with Jame.

I was just talking about this in another site's comments. Gary Oldman's ass couldn't even save it.

I love Turn of the Screw. The weirdest thing about it as it never goes back to the frame narrative. It's like hey everybody let me tell you this crazy story about a governess and some creepy kids, starts story about governess and creepy kids, ends abruptly.

I saw The Pumpkins on tour this summer and they played Thru The Eyes of Ruby and I almost cried. It's my favorite song ever, and some VIP guys let me go right up to the front of the stage during it (I was already in the 5th row). It was the closest to a religious experience I have had. I know that sounds cheesy but

I'm pretty sure that situation has been written on AO3 many times.

You left out his history of pedophilia with all the inner city kids he "helped out" with and raping Margot in the book. The show barely danced around it.

Man seriously needs to learn when to shut up. I used to like him and his show. If you need me I'll be over in the corner with my Harris books and Hopkins movies hoping season 4 never happens.