
Cocaine meth is a helluva drug.



Hulk smash stupid wall...”

Okay, now... smile!

Just wait until they release Expert Oral Sex 69: The Upside Down!

Cool! I just saw them live for the first time a few months back. Pretty good show, but I wish I could’ve seen him back in the day, like around the time they released the album you just mentioned.

True. At least half of us are, anyway.

They’re hypocrites, they know it and they think that we’re too stupid to figure it out.

The Deplora-Boys

Well, looks like someone other than me is getting diarrhea this Thanksgiving!

“Yeah well, how do we know you’re not just really tiny?”

That’s nuthin’. Trump can make ALL the emoji faces!

That’s probably a better use of their time than this charade.

So, asylum seekers potentially “chucking rocks” (for some unknown reason) = a Pancho Villa-level invasion?

“FOX News support CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House reporter’s press credential.”