I thought “Alabama student-athlete” was a widely used insult.
I thought “Alabama student-athlete” was a widely used insult.
Yay, another pushed-to-the-moon hoss who has a moveset of five! Thanks for reminding me to stick to the promotion of Dalton Castle and Chuck Taylor.
Looks to me like they draft Fox and tell Lil Whistles to enjoy the D League.
I love that conservatives immediately think “wears glasses” = “is smart.”
Bettis went on to say, “Did you know I’m from Detroit?”
Between this and “White Reigns” Baron Corbin winning, I’m glad the world still has Ring of Honor.
One question we already know the answer to, at least, is “How does Camille Cosby sleep at night?”
Can’t wait for the play of this deliberation, Two Angry Redpillers.
I can’t find the sense in Ball being a higher pick than even Monk, much less Fox.
Your Amazon dollars at work! Fuck Jeff Bezos and his birdcage liner.
What are you doing off r/redpill?
That roar you hear is every Kentucky fan guffawing at once.
Not after Nov. 9, 2016.
Next: Will Cain praises his getting chlamydia from call girls as a triumph of the free market in action.
Trump can be happy to play host to Dennis Rodman just like any other third-world strongman would.
No. They’d go under just like the USFL, and wouldn’t the freed up personal income and Sundays be ultimately better for Jacksonville?
It’s a race to build the all-Calipari starting five! The Pelicans and Suns are currently leading the race, but Sac-town is looking to, as usual, barely compete!
“Just imagine how bad we’d be if Kaepernick were on our team!”
I believe the name you’re looking for is James Dolan.