
Goodness, no. The 3DS is still alive and strong, and it’s still one of the better selling consoles in the world. Why would Nintendo not continue to pump life into it? Samus Returns is a great addition to the 3DS library, and the Switch has only just begun. It’ll have plenty of time to have loads of great games, and as

The 3DS has sold nearly 60 million units... dwarfing the Wii U and Switch sales. Disregarding such a massive install base would be suicidal.

Nintendo didn’t abandon the Wii U. Everyone else did.

I don’t understand why people are calling for the 3DS to evaporate the second Switch debuted. Does that ever happen? Every system keeps going for a while after the successor comes out because it takes some time for the new one to build up momentum. This is another reason why backward compatibility at the beginning of

“Nintendo need to let the 3DS die”?

“Nintendo need to let the 3DS die instead of splitting up these games so much”

Because 60 million people own a 3DS. And Nintendo doesn’t abandon hardware like Sony.

Eh, nothing else was terribly exciting. Beyond Good and Evil 2 looked interesting.

Yeah, I was trying to stealth read this during a military kickoff meeting. Prime 4 caused me to gasp and then I had to explain myself. Now we’re half an hour off track because everyone apparently loves Metroid.

I love Metroid and now, funally a new Prime. Given how great 1 &3 were, i am excited. How did I miss it in the 25 minute brief? Everything else is icing.

Agreed. Fantastic Direct - yes, I am very Nintendo-biased - and it was highlight after highlight. The Switch and Mario are going to be a HOT pair this Christmas.

What? Comics have NEVER been as popular as other mediums. No matter what decade, comics have always been counter culture. Marvel and DC have courted bankruptcy so many times that its unbelievable that they still exist. Did you know that without Star Wars, Marvel would have been bankrupt? They had to beg to do a comic

Agreed. Their actual comics are about as well written as a used tissue. Jim Lee’s X-Men run was one of the big things that made me get into comics as a kid. When I see how they are treating any properties that can’t maximize monetary exploitation for their latest tentpole-critic-proof-vanilla-flavored blockbuster. I

I think what I’ll miss most about Secret Wars are the spinoff titles with the absurdly awesome premises! There were too many to keep up with, so luckily they’ll keep me occupied for quite some time.