But will they CG God winking at the camera whenever Zamperini narrowly avoids death several times?
But will they CG God winking at the camera whenever Zamperini narrowly avoids death several times?
Shut up Little Man
ohhhh, i have a whale of a tale to tell…
Holy fuck, i just watched episode one. Now i'm the one that needs to buy a shotgun.
That's unbelievable.
I'm hoping for antlers stapled to a mouse's head.
Very sad.
Ooo, what's that bright ball of….I think I'll call it a ssstar. It's very big and..rrround. Hello, what am I? Ooh look, here's a big rround thing coming towards me very, very quickly. I wonder if it will be friends with me?
I, for one, welcome our new Tweet overlords…
Frank Marshall tweeted that he is fine (I hate that i had to use the word tweeted)
Is this the start to a Regarding Henry sequel nobody wanted?…Bur seriously, NOOOOOOOOO! Be well, Harry.
I never thought it would be The Bees, they're our friend.
Part time.
Wow. That was a turd in the hot tub.
Cool! The crypt keeper can play the guitar.
Last episode of season 2 runs tonight here in Oz so hopefully it will pop on Netflix for ya.
Danger 5
Kill Hitler.
If it keeps his kid outta the movies then I call it a great success.
The singularity machine!!
I got an 'Import/Export' notification for this?