
I think the ship has sailed on this pun thread.

People need to be asking 'Where's Michael?"

I've read it's his brother, Vince G is just not doing the hack job of writing where somebody states the obvious for the audience "Hey, i'm your brother, remember?"

Don't worry, we still have Entourage:The Movie.

Where's Suge Knight when you need him?

Oh how we laughed down under when that scene showed up. They gave an Australian actor one line and multiple to a not Australian actor who is the most South African sounding oz cop ever.

This is going to be like XXX isn't it..
*sigh, shoves movie producers out of plane without parachute*

They stick an ice pick in your brain at Fox when you are hired to prevent 'the smarts'.

Send me a plant in the mail? No sir, Edie Veryll didn't raise no idjits!

HamBurglar. Starring Whoopi Goldberg.

"Jar, Jar Away…far far away"


Or that guy that crashed down on his first flight.

It's like rain on your wedding day.

Sorry about my carnivorous lunar activities.

*transforms into werewolf and rips Mr Greene apart on the escalator*

Dexter In Space

Think I'll pour a bucket of hot wax over my head to raise awareness of B&D.

There may be a grain of truth to that.

shut yo yub nub