
House of Runners

The Congress was an amazing weird and innovative film.

"Robin Wright had a solo superhero movie in the pipeline." +1

a remake of ‘Night Mother starring Ellen Burstyn and Robin Wright, directed by Fincher….PLEASE. Oscar for the three of them for sure.

I agree that the writing made no justice to Wright’s character, but the mess has been saved by Wright’s excellent performance as I wrote above. She managed to outact Spacey with a subtle, masterful performance, in clear contrast to his scenery chewing. That’s not an easy task at all.

Fincher needs to come back and finish what he started, as a serious, dark, complex drama. Spacey needs to stop showing up in character and make a clown out of Frank. Finally and most important, it is time the show to pivot towards Wright’s character and starts unveiling the mystery she’s been until now, she’s the most