
Looks like she's not in it for long….

It was one of those super-catchy songs that got way overplayed to the point where it started annoying people.

It's amusing when someone makes a heavily-researched 2-hour documentary loaded with hard evidence that includes actual "church" documents, official recordings, and eye-witness accounts, and then the accused demands that they see the "evidence."

I suspect the romantic comedy line may be a hint that he's getting pitched a lot of rom com scripts, not that he's been making them. I think he has one of those "good problems" where he could do just about anything that he wants - he just has to pick the best projects.

I produce unscripted television, and it simply isn't true that everything is "heavily scripted." Most shows don't have the budget to script everything out and film everything perfectly. There is a huge difference in the level of scripting that goes into the Kardashians (docu-soap - heavily scripted) and Deadliest

Comparing game shows to a car build reality show is apples to oranges.