
"These days, of course, a white man (particularly one as unapologetically smug as Maher) bragging about being “politically incorrect” just seems insufferable."

Great as it was, you'll go blind looking for any noirish elements in THE ROCKFORD FILES. Glibness, hell yeah. Subversive flippancy, in spades. But no trace of noir in those bright alleys.

I'd put MANNIX above ROCKFORD, but the difference is very, very small.

Love Tom Wolfe but of course his was a left handed compliment. How many shows have "literary or social value"? And how many of those bear rewatching?

Crackdowns on TV violence have occurred periodically throughout the decades… first in the early 1960s (THE UNTOUCHABLES was a victim of this)… then again in the late 1960s after the assassinations of MLK and Bobby Kennedy… and then, most severely, in the late 1970s (from roughly 1977-1980) when shows were allotted a

For me, MANNIX trumps everything. But if you're talking high-end production values, then yes, QM's show's were often just as good, and let's not forget THE FBI when compiling a list of feature-quality QM productions. That show looked superb.