
Even 1 cameo (of a person who is alive) would have made all the difference.

All of the recent SB halftime shows have featured guest performers and it has really worked out well. Missy Elliot with Katy Perry to name one. I can’t imagine why Timberlake didn’t do this, he (and we) really could have used something to break up the monotony of that performance, visually and musically.

THIS is what my Dad said. He asked me old he is and I told him and he then replied “Then why is he trying to be a teenager?”

I understand what you’re saying, about public opinion turning against him, but this article would have been a lot harder to write if Justin had given a great performance. He did not. He gave an underwhelming one.

I can’t really remember if I’ve watched another Justin Timberlake performance ever, aside from some VMA stuff once upon a time....he’s got a reputation as a great performer, right? Because that’s not what I saw. His face was NOT. INTO. IT. for at least a solid 80% of the show. You can see his eyes either a) thinking

I disagree. Everyone agrees he’s a talented guy, but he phoned this one in. We’ve been seeing him perform for years, we know he can put on a show. If he had brought out the other NSYNC guys for a couple of songs, that’s what we would all be talking about. Or if, like most recent halftime shows, he had brought in a

Justin Timberlake is 37 years old. He was older than pretty much everyone playing in the game (other than Harrison, Brady and Jones) He has been recording for over 20 years and he still acts and sings like a teen heartthrob. His songs and style have changed, but not matured. He looks like he’s old and tired out there

Hey, the US Military paid millions of taxpayer dollars to shoehorn their way into the NFL and, goshdarnit, they’re going to get your their money’s worth.

I think initially the honoring the troops stuff was in good faith, sort of a “we fucked up during Vietnam when we spit on guys who had no choice but to go fight” realization. But over the years it has morphed into full on hero worship. The idea that every former member of the military is a hero simply by virtue of

Oh good, it’s 1993 again. The last 25 years were just a bad dream.

If we’re about to delve into the world of what fragrance-based product commercials mean, we’re in for a journey. There’s not a single cologne or perfume ad that makes a lick of sense.

Shapo time is coming, just wait. I prefer to view this as a valuable learning experience. Never let your guard down, or a wily vet like Tsonga will make you pay.

I don’t know about social class, but I do think a lot of women over a certain age are having a problem simply because in their generation, it was just how it was. And if something happened, they didn’t and wouldn’t have even thought about saying anything, because society wouldn’t have cared if it did. Or blamed them.

I think that a lot of people are a lower level of racist (not actively identifying as racist, but with some distinct prejudice existing) and just don’t realize it, probably haven’t actually had to seriously examine their core beliefs.

A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.

Raising my hand as one who is severing ties. I used to say “Lena Dunham isn’t helping.” Now I say “Lena Dunham is actively hurting feminist and progressive issues.”

Counterpoint: Every time Lena Dunham fucks up feminism ALL feminists pay a price. She opens us up to mockery, scorn, and younger women that have been indoctrinated to believe a feminist is some sort of bra burning heathen communist are less likely to stop and listen.

Also; even if she had heard the rumors, she might have dismissed them as being untrue because of Louie’s previous denials. It could be that she is still shocked by it turning out to be true with him admitting to it, even if she had heard the rumors before.

People tend to give their good friends/working partners the

The oughts broke Jon.

There’s a lot of people that are going to have to reckon with themselves based on what they knew, what they ignored, and what they chose to do with that info.